Cascadia Heroes
All of our facilities have been on restricted entry only allowing essential personnel into their buildings. We know that this will be temporary, but it has been hard to adequately show our support and love to our employees.
Yesterday our home office and field support staff rallied and went with their families to our local facilities. Armed with colored chalk and smiles they arrived at our buildings to express love and support to all the front-line workers who are amazing all of us with their commitment to our residents. We continue to be impressed with everyone’s dedication to safety and health for our employees and those loved ones in our care.
In addition to expressing our admiration of these HEROES through chalk art, the home office organized care packages that have been sent to all of our buildings with food and treats to stock their employee break rooms. It has been difficult not being able to spend time with our partners face to face, but we are committed to showing our love and support in any way we can. Grateful for our Heroes and the devotion they share to their fellow Heroes in the field. #Forceforgood
COVID-19 has affected the lives of millions of people across the globe, more so the families of those in healthcare. Kids are home, business are closed and each night healthcare workers come home exhausted and scared. They leave their shoes at the door, forgo hugs from kids and head directly to the shower to protect their own families from the current unseen and menacing danger. These moments and images will be imprinted in the minds of all of our families and loved ones for generations. There is nothing I can say or do to adequately express the pride, the gratitude and the love I have for everyone thrust into the front lines of this pandemic. I have reflected on this a great deal over the past few weeks, feeling frustrated and helpless in many ways.
This morning my wife sent me a picture that my youngest daughter painted for her online art class. My daughter was instructed to paint, with perspective, “a mural about important community figures.” This is what she painted.
All three of my children have spent numerous hours in nursing homes over the years, mingling with residents and befriending staff. As I look at this image, I can see through the eyes of a child a healthcare worker with a mask on to protect herself, smiling as she looks to serve the people in her facility. Even with the dark and gloomy outlook and uncertainty before us, there is a light brighter than any other caring for our loved ones. Thank you to each and every person that supports healthcare workers and those that put their own health and comfort aside in the pursuit of caring for others. Each of you are extraordinary examples of courage and commitment. You are an inspiration and a beacon of hope for future generations of healthcare workers. Thank you for being a Force For Good in protecting our families and loved ones, may you be blessed for all you do!
With all of the fear and misinformation out there, let’s all commit to “Sharing the Good” these talented healthcare workers do daily without complaint and without proper recognition for their sacrifices. We see you and we thank you!
The new sign has been installed at Shaw Mountain! Over the next 60 days you will see a lot more progress at Shaw as we continue to invest in our operations and equipment enhancing the patient and employee experience. There will be some new windows, landscaping, parking and other general enhancements, please excuse the dust. Grateful for all the hard work and dedication our staff put into their jobs, allowing us to Be a Force For Good!
“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.”David Allan Coe
As I walk the freshly constructed halls of our Transitional Care Facility in Nampa, I am reminded how important it is to ensure Cascadia is built with the strength to stand the test of time. Solid cultural, clinical and financial pillars from the beginning will ensure we have laid the groundwork to consistently be the company we want to be. We will continue to face challenges in the industry with regulation, reimbursement and attrition, and it is ever more apparent that our energy needs to be focused on sound and disciplined decisions strengthening the foundation of Cascadia.
Just over two years ago we started Cascadia Healthcare with a desire to build something unique and meaningful – something we could be proud of. In these two years we have grown through challenges, built amazing and meaningful partnerships, and expanded our footprint in the Northwest. Every new opportunity has allowed us to be stronger and able to do more good. We look forward to continuing our growth with the addition of our Nampa Transitional Facility in the early Fall of 2017.