Cascadia Heroes
All of our facilities have been on restricted entry only allowing essential personnel into their buildings. We know that this will be temporary, but it has been hard to adequately show our support and love to our employees.
Yesterday our home office and field support staff rallied and went with their families to our local facilities. Armed with colored chalk and smiles they arrived at our buildings to express love and support to all the front-line workers who are amazing all of us with their commitment to our residents. We continue to be impressed with everyone’s dedication to safety and health for our employees and those loved ones in our care.
In addition to expressing our admiration of these HEROES through chalk art, the home office organized care packages that have been sent to all of our buildings with food and treats to stock their employee break rooms. It has been difficult not being able to spend time with our partners face to face, but we are committed to showing our love and support in any way we can. Grateful for our Heroes and the devotion they share to their fellow Heroes in the field. #Forceforgood